Hide Marine Services Policy and Regulations
Marine Services Policy & Regulations
It is the objective of the RKYC to make boating safe and pleasurable for its members, their guests and visitors to our Club. As such, members are requested and expected to consider the impact of their and their guests actions on the club, the environment and on other members.
Membership & Membership Responsibilities
The RKYC is a private club that is governed by the members through the member elected RKYC executive. While members are free to invite guests to RKYC property and activities, they (the inviting member(s)) are solely responsible for the behavior and safety of their guests. Any issues or concerns of guest(s) should be addressed by or through the member who invited him/her/them.
An RKYC membership is required if a person is using Club facilities more than three times in a season. For example, If the person races as crew in more than three races, attends more than three buffets or Club events, or a combination of that adds up to three uses. A member’s boating guest that does not use any of Club’s programs or services does not require a membership.
Each member is required to have a minimum $1,000,000 liability coverage and adequate insurance to cover the value of your vessel. The RKYC is not responsible for items left on the property or stored in Club buildings ie masts in the spar shed.
The RKYC docks are 8 feet wide, which does not provide adequate room for two people to safely pass if hoses, power cords, rope, garbage, and coolers are left on the dock. It is the responsibility of each boat owning member to keep their area uncluttered. No permanent fastenings of any kind are to be placed on the docks. Carpeting & hooks are to be removed from the pilings at the end of the season.
Electrical / Power Usage
15 amp electrical outlets (and some 30 amp outlets) are supplied on the docks and are intended for trickle chargers and not for running air conditioning, refrigerators or supplying all the power needs of your boat. Please use common sense, as there can be a significant voltage drop further out the dock that may cause damage to other boater’s equipment. Modifications to dock receptacles, to provide a different voltage or amperage, are not permitted.
Garbage bins are located by the Spar Shed and please recycle any items that you can. Garbage bins are for garbage created from boating not from your household.
Waste Fluids
Please properly dispose of used oil, antifreeze, and other toxic chemicals. There is a disposal tank for waste oil by the spar shed. Under no circumstances are members to dump these types of materials into the river or on the ground.
Gas Dock
No one other than the person responsible for fueling can be on the boat during refueling. The gas dock attendant will not pump the fuel for you – no one knows your boat better than you and the pumping of fuel is the owners’ responsibility. All fueling should take place at the gas dock. Fueling at the dock (even dinghys) creates an unnecessary hazard to the marina. All passengers must disembark before fuelling begins. Cheques are not accepted as payment – cash, and most credit cards are. Members may not charge fuel to their accounts.
Summer Trailer Storage
If you do not store your boat at the RKYC, there will be a charge for storing your trailer at the Club. Please check with the Yard Manager as to where your trailer should be stored. Your trailer must be registered with the office. An appropriate hitch lock should be used to prevent theft of your trailer.
Ample parking is available. Please do not park on: the main wharf, the path leading to A Dock, in front of the B dock entrance or parking spots immediately adjacent to C and D dock. These areas are for loading/unloading only.
Prices for haul out and launch are based upon being launched or hauled at club designated times (club launch/haul out) which will be published as appropriate on the club website www.rkyc.nb.ca. Haul out or launch at other times is possible and available, but will be subject to a surcharge or a non-club launch/haul out rate. This is because it is much more efficient to launch or haul boat in larger numbers when there are members volunteering to keep costs low.
Early launch (prior to the Club Launch) will only be available if and when the marina installation (pilings/docks/gangways) has been completed.
A member or designated representative must be present at the time of launch and haul out to assume responsibility and assist in the handling of their boat.
Late Launch
If you are not ready to launch on the official launch date, there will be a minimum one-week wait before your launch will occur. This allows marina staff to complete marina installation and install masts. We encourage all members to be ready to go on the main launch weekend. We believe this yields the greatest efficiency for the Club and the member.
Mast Removal from Spar Shed
Because of the number of boats now stored in the yard, waiting to remove your mast from the spar shed until after launch is strongly recommended and appreciated. After launch, masts will be moved out and arrangements can be made with the yard crew to have them installed with the club crane.
Mast Stepping/Un-stepping
Mast installation and mast removal processes are not without risk or danger. The Yard Manager, or staff, have the right to refuse services in the event that they deem the weather or conditions to be unacceptable.
The owner of the boat is responsible for being aware of what and how damage might occur, to watch accordingly, and to be satisfied that proper procedures are being used for their particular mast. Mast stepping and un-stepping is a cooperative process between boat owner and staff. Both share responsibility.
The Spar Shed has a wide availability of tools that can be borrowed for member use on Club Property. Tools are expensive and necessary for the proper management and maintenance of the club, please make sure that they are promptly returned in the condition and to the place that you found them.
The Club is heavily dependant on volunteers, particularly at the time of installing the marina and taking it out and during launch and haul out. Please contact the office if you are willing to assist in any area.
The Marina and area surrounding the marina are no wake zones. A wake can be an inconvenience at best and dangerous if a boat is rocked during mast installation.
Work Safe Policy
The consumption of alcohol by those directly involved in marina operations whether acting as a volunteer or employee is forbidden.
Dogs or pets must be kept under leash at all times and not be allowed to run loose. Owners are responsible for the cleaning up and disposal of droppings and no pets are allowed in the Clubhouse.
Severe Storms
Severe weather has been known to occur in the Saint John area. Boat owners are solely responsible for taking measures to secure their vessels. The RKYC is not responsible for damage to vessels caused by weather.
Hull Sanding
Nothing will ruin your relationship with your neighbours in the yard more then sanding your hull without doing anything to stop the paint drifting. The following are recommended practices
- Do your sanding before boats are uncovered
- Use chemicals to strip the bottom paint
- Attach a shop vac to the orbital sander
- Tarp the boat 100 percent so particles will not escape.
- Wait until after launch
Take appropriate measures – if you are sanding one week before launch, tarp 100 percent as all boats will be uncovered at that time. The member is fully responsible for any clean up costs incurred. You should ensure that no sanding dust affects your neighbors.
Power Supply During Off Season Storage
Unlike many marinas, the RKYC leaves the power on in the yard during the winter season to permit members to work on their boat if they wish to do so. Leaving heaters, battery chargers, or any other appliance operating is not permitted. Any power usage during the off-season must be supervised by the member or designate.
Temporary Berthing
Some members do not purchase a berth for the summer season, but move their vessel to a mooring on the river. After the boat is launched a one week grace period will be provided (given that a berth is available) to have the mast installed, the boat readied and then the boat is to be moved. After the 7 day period has expired, there will be a charge for berth usage.